About us

No more bare-metal
No downtime, as simple as it can be

Garaia was founded with the mission to help infrastructures evolve and gain resiliency. We thrive at finding the best solution for your needs, with simplicity in mind.
VMs (EXSI, KVM, VMWare and of course public clouds), containerized systems (LXD, Proxmox), containerized applications (Docker, OCI, Kubernetes), cloud orchestrators (Openstack, Microcloud), Infrastructure as code (Terraform, Juju, ansible),  new generation backup systems (Borg, Duplicati, Restic), never have the tools available been so numerous and mature.
They are also cheap (free to use and easy on resources) and very stable.
It takes though, a high level of expertise and know how to be able to design the adequate solution to a given situation.
About us

Meet our founder

Garaia was founded by Alex Micouleau, an odd duck, rare mix of technological skills and business acumen.

He has worked as a Venture Capital Director, been a Linux user since the 90’s.

Makes him a rare mix of strategic vision, operational sensitivity and technical skills.

Want to know more, let’s have a call !

Founder - CEO and tech lead

Alex Micouleau

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.